Rotarians David Wells and Chris Parker, who serve on the LOF committee, saw an opportunity for Rotary to support our wonderful staff.

It’s easy for us to forget that our own Cottage Hospital staff have also been on the front line during this last year. They too have been nursing patients with Covid and experiencing much of the same physical and emotional pressures as those in the acute sector.

The Rotary Club of Tonbridge, who were pleased to acknowledge that and show their gratitude for their dedication, have purchased hand salve for each member of staff.

“Hands which are frequently washed and sanitized can get very dry and sore, especially in this cold weather, so we hope that our gifts will bring some comfort,” said Tonbridge Cottage Hospital’s Sister Catherine Gillespie, after receiving 54 tins of WiSP skin care balm for all the staff from Peter Ruck, President of Tonbridge Rotary Club.

Receptionist Sally said that in the current pandemic, this is probably the handiest present all the staff have received.

“This balm will relieve sore hands with all that necessary hand washing and gel-ing! We wish them well and hope that this will go a little way to support our local NHS staff in carrying out their never-ending duties.”